Sunday, March 2, 2014

Shit (#2)

'Why are you wearing the stupid man suit?'

   Sometimes we hide behind who we really are in fear that some might take us in a negative way...& if they do, so be it! When you are yourself, you find people that like you for YOU, people that like the same odd, out-of-the-ordinary things as YOU, that have the same dreams, aspirations, & goals in their life as you do in yours, & even ones that HATE you for you..but again, if they do...SO BE IT! If you hide behind a mask all the time, you give NO ONE the chance to Love the real you, to know who YOU really are. Trust me, no matter what, there are people out there that will & DO Love YOU for YOU.

   All of us are guilty of hiding behind that mask. Whether you admit it or not, at some point, you have hid the real you...everyone does, & it's usually the exact opposite if who you really are. My mask is strong, balanced, & on the ball!! But in truth, I am weak, unorganized, & confused by almost everything..... Human conversation is not my strongest quality. But I don't wear that mask all the time, & everyone that knows the REAL me, still loves me.. They still think I am strong & balanced, because THEY keep me strong & balanced. My weaknesses aren't even weak when I am around those who really care about me, the REAL me. :)

   As I started this blog in it's entirety, I thought, 'Oh god, watch me type something that seems intelligent & thought-worthy in my head, & have it come out as horseshit on a pretty background.' & yea, that's pretty much what has happened so far.....
